Version 100% Talalay Latex
Our Talalay Latex breathes through millions of micro-cells that allow a perfect circulation of air. The added value Celsion absorbs the thermal energy released by the body and cools it when to warm and warms it when to cold. On hygiene, our Talalay Latex has antibacterial properties, anti germ and unique fungicides that makes it hypoallergenic.
Version Memory Foam Micro-Encapsulation
Memory foam is a molecular structure that is sensitive to body heat. This heat allows memory foam to adjust perfectly to your body. This symbiosis minimizes pressure points and provides comfort. Micro-encapsulation technology fluid absorbing thermal energy and storing a large amount of energy, constantly maintains its own temperature. You will no more feel this unpleasant sensation of heat that affects your sleep. This technology interacts with the human body to regulate temperature and create an ideal microclimate. All our foams undergo a process of cooking soy, reducing the petrochemical content normally used in conventional polyurethane foam. In addition, we meet the Canadian standard of Zero emanation .